Data Required for Quoting
Layout Quotes: Items in red are minimum requirements to quote.
Items 1-8 are required to start a project. The more information we receive at the quoting stage the more accurate the quote will be.
1) Mechanical Description of Board
Drawing or sketch that shows:
- General size of the board
- Expected number of layers
- Board stackup
- DXF or EMN
- Restricted areas
- Board technology (HDI, VIP, etc.)
- Any compulsory component locations
2) Bill of Materials
Excel format preferred, should contain the following:
- Manufacturer’s Names and Full P/Ns for all parts
(required if quoting library)
- Industry standard package size identification for all parts.
- Datasheets – Not required for quote but very helpful. We do request these before starting layout.
3) Preliminary Layout Instructions
- Details of all layout rules/guidelines to include any special mechanical, placement and routing considerations.
- Explicit identification of all critical nets to include high speed busses, clocks, high current, and high voltage nets.
4) Schedule Requirements / Due Dates
- Anticipated start date, project duration, and required completion date.
5) CAD System Requirements and Revision
- Which CAD system is required?
- We support Cadence Allegro, Mentor PADS & Xpedition, and Altium. If you have no requirement, we will select the system most suitable.
6) Product Requirements & Testing
- Identify the method of testing the finished product along with any applicable regulatory of manufacturing specifications and any unusual environmental considerations.
- Testing requirements such as flying probe and/or ICT.
7) Deliverables
- List any special requirements for the deliverables package.
- Our standard deliverables package can be viewed at Reference FCS document # F-PC00001
8) Netlist / Schematic
- The netlist, unpackaged CAD schematic, packaged CAD schematic (netlist that can be imported into CAD system is preferred) or PDF of schematic.
- A searchable PDF of the schematics along with the native schematic tool files is also preferred but not required.
9) Additional Services Available Upon Request
- SI Analysis
- Schematic Capture
- Thermal Analysis
- Electrical / Mechanical Engineering
- Database Translations
Manufacturing Quotes
1) Fabrication:
- Board dimensions, layer count, thickness, material, minimum finished drill size and estimated hole count are required at minimum.
- A Fabrication drawing containing all of the above information, drill chart, and fabrication notes is preferred.
2) Assembly/Parts:
- An Assembly drawing showing reference designator locations is required at a minimum for labor only quotes.
- A BOM in excel format with Mfg. Names and P/Ns is preferred for labor only quotes but is required if quoting the parts/kitting.