Data Required for Quoting

Layout Quotes: Items in red are minimum requirements to quote.

Items 1-8 are required to start a project. The more information we receive at the quoting stage the more accurate the quote will be.

1) Mechanical Description of Board

Drawing or sketch that shows:

  1. General size of the board
  2. Expected number of layers
  3. Board stackup
  4. DXF or EMN
  5. Restricted areas
  6. Board technology (HDI, VIP, etc.)
  7. Any compulsory component locations

2) Bill of Materials

Excel format preferred, should contain the following:

  1. Manufacturer’s Names and Full P/Ns for all parts
    (required if quoting library)
  2. Industry standard package size identification for all parts.
  3. Datasheets – Not required for quote but very helpful. We do request these before starting layout.

3) Preliminary Layout Instructions

  1. Details of all layout rules/guidelines to include any special mechanical, placement and routing considerations.
  2. Explicit identification of all critical nets to include high speed busses, clocks, high current, and high voltage nets.

4) Schedule Requirements / Due Dates

  1. Anticipated start date, project duration, and required completion date.

5) CAD System Requirements and Revision

  1. Which CAD system is required?
  2. We support Cadence Allegro, Mentor PADS & Xpedition, and Altium. If you have no requirement, we will select the system most suitable.

6) Product Requirements & Testing

  1. Identify the method of testing the finished product along with any applicable regulatory of manufacturing specifications and any unusual environmental considerations.
  2. Testing requirements such as flying probe and/or ICT.

7) Deliverables

  1. List any special requirements for the deliverables package.
  2. Our standard deliverables package can be viewed at Reference FCS document # F-PC00001

8) Netlist / Schematic

  1. The netlist, unpackaged CAD schematic, packaged CAD schematic (netlist that can be imported into CAD system is preferred) or PDF of schematic.
  2. A searchable PDF of the schematics along with the native schematic tool files is also preferred but not required.

9) Additional Services Available Upon Request

  1. SI Analysis
  2. Schematic Capture
  3. Thermal Analysis
  4. Electrical / Mechanical Engineering
  5. Database Translations

Manufacturing Quotes

Below are the minimum requirements for quoting Fabrication, Assembly, and Parts.

1) Fabrication:

  1. Board dimensions, layer count, thickness, material, minimum finished drill size and estimated hole count are required at minimum.
  2. A Fabrication drawing containing all of the above information, drill chart, and fabrication notes is preferred.

2) Assembly/Parts:

  1. An Assembly drawing showing reference designator locations is required at a minimum for labor only quotes.
  2. A BOM in excel format with Mfg. Names and P/Ns is preferred for labor only quotes but is required if quoting the parts/kitting.