Freedom CAD Partners with dalTools

By Brian White | February 9, 2016

Freedom CAD has adopted the use of dalTool’s ( dalPro software to complement their efficiency with Cadence Allegro®. The dalPro software has over 90 commands that enhance the performance of Allegro® and Freedom CAD’s team of over 30 designers are finding new ways to save its customers time and money every day! In addition to the dalPro software, dalTools also offers dalView, a world class Allegro® viewer that is intuitive and uses fewer keystrokes than other viewers.

Freedom CAD’s Electrical Engineers are also using dalEE for Allegro® Design Entry HDL schematic capture. The dalEE software enables the electrical engineers to view the Allegro® library, place parts from the schematic and address length matching requirements with the “dal delay” command as an alternative to using Constraint Manager. One of the many strengths of this tool is the easy to use GUI and the numerous pull down commands.

“Freedom CAD has been very impressed with dalTools continued commitment to add to the functionality to their suite of tools, which continues to enhance the value of the tool. We are finding that some tasks that took the team hours to perform in Allegro ® can now be completed in minutes and this is helping us to provide more value to our customers!” said Scott Miller, Chief Operating Officer at Freedom CAD.

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