Standard Deliverables Package – PCB Layout
The example below shows an Allegro board file but Altium, Xpedition, and PADS outputs will be similar. We provide a set of industry-standard deliverables for fabrication, assembly, and test, but can customize to your company’s standards and naming conventions.
Gerber Data (274X)
- 123456f0.psl Gerber Primary Side Silkscreen
- 123456f0.pmk Gerber Primary Side Soldermask
- 123456f0.ppa Gerber Primary Side Solder Paste
- 123456f0.l01 Gerber Layer 01
- 123456f0.lN Gerber Layer N
- 123456f0.smk Gerber Secondary Side Soldermask
- 123456f0.ssl Gerber Secondary Side Silkscreen
- Gerber Secondary Side Solder Paste
- 123456f0.drl NCdrill File
- 123456f0.dpm NCdrill Parameter File
- 123456f0.vpt Gerber Via Plug Primary Side (If required)
- 123456f0.vpb Gerber Via Plug Secondary Side (If required)
- Gerber 274X Fabrication Drawing123456f0_fab.dxf DXF Fabrication Drawing
- 123456f0_fab.pdf Searchable PDF Fabrication Drawing
- Gerber 274X Primary Assembly Drawing
- 123456f0_tassy.dxf DXF Primary Assembly Drawing
- 123456f0_tassy.pdf Searchable PDF Primary Assembly Drawing
- Gerber 274X Secondary Assembly Drawing
- 123456f0_bassy.dxf DXF Secondary Assembly Drawing
- 123456f0_bassy.pdf Searchable PDF Secondary Assembly Drawing
Database Files
- 123456f0.brd Allegro Database (equivalent will be provided for Altium, Xpedition, etc.)
- 123456f0_ODB.tgz Valor ODB++ Database
Extracted Files
- 123456f0.cad Fabmaster/Unicam File
- 123456f0_brd.txt Valout Cimbridge Extraction Brd
- 123456f0_pad.txt Valout Cimbridge Extraction Pad
- 123456f0_sym.txt Valout Cimbridge Extraction Sym
- 123456f0_rte.txt Valout Cimbridge Extraction Rte
- 123456f0_ccam.cad CircuitCAM file
- 123456f0_ccamnet.cad CircuitCAM file
- 123456f0.tst Testprep Report – Test point locations
- 123456f0.ipc IPC356D File
- art_aper.txt Gerber Aperture List for 274X Files
- art_param.txt Gerber Parameter File for 274X Files
- placed.rpt Placement File, X-Y Coordinates
- smd_top.rpt Surface mount comps top side with fiducials
- smd_bot.rpt Surface mount comps bottom side with fiducials
- thru_hole.rpt Thru-hole comps only
- sympins.rpt Symbol Pins Report
- netlist.rpt Netlist Report
- bottom_probe.tap Bottom Probe Ncdrill File Testpoints only
Additional Outputs Available
- HPGL Drawings
- GenCAD
- DXFs and PDFs of gerber layers
- Military and many other outputs are also available when requested