From Concept to Completed Design
Development Tools
- Complex FPGA development in VHDL, Verilog, MATLAB / Simulink
- FPGA OCMs Supported – AMD Xilinx, Intel (Altera), Microsemi, Lattice
- System on a Chip (SOC) designs including both hardware and software engineering (Linux, C)
- Xilinx – ISE Foundation, UltraFast, Vivado HLS
- Altera – Quartus Prime, ModelSim, Altera SDK, DSP Builder, SoC EDS and NIOS||EDS
- Microsemi – Libero ISE and Libero SoC
- Lattice Semi – Lattice Diamond, iCEcube2, ispLEVER Classic, Lattice Micro System and PAC-Designer
- Quicklogic – QuickWorks
- Other tools – Synopsys, Synplify
Product Examples